If I Can Do This, You Can

Raising Kids & Running a Household

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Our project this late spring and summer has been building our very first Square Foot Garden.  I built the planter boxes and trellises and had the kids help me paint them and build the grids.

After that we went to Home Depot and picked out our plants.  I felt we started to late for growing our plants from seed.  However, we did plant our pole beans from seed.  It’s been fun watching the plants grow and bear fruit with the children.  They love tending and caring for the garden.


We will post an update during harvest time 😀


Book: Pete the Cat – I Love My White Shoes

Author(s): Eric Litwin

Year: 2010

Suggested Grade Level: PreK – 1st Grade

This book uses music to teach little ones the basic colors of white, red, blue, brown and wet. Every time Pete steps in something, it changes the color of his shoes. The moral of the story is, “No matter what you step in, keep walking along and singing your song…”

You can download the music and activity sheets HERE.

New Word Definitions: n/a

Caleb was officially enrolled in homeschool this week.  To get things started off right, we went to the library today so he could receive his very first library card.  He was very proud!  We went to the grocery store directly after and he showed his card to the cashier.  Actually, he tried to swipe it in the credit card machine; the cashier and I both had to explain what the difference was.  As soon as we got home, he showed his card to his brothers and sister, then to grandma.  I hope he will grow to love reading…


Book: My Dog Jack is Fat

Author(s): Eve Bunting

Suggested Grade Level: Kindergarten – 1st Grade

This story is about a boy who takes his dog to the vet, only to discover that his dog is fat.  By taking his dog out to exercise and giving him less food, the boy realizes that he should be doing the same thing.  This book is perfect for helping little children understand the true meaning of being fat and the benefits of losing weight and being healthy.  My boys stood up in captivation while I read this book.  I feel like they truly understand what being fat means now.

New Word Definitions: pounds – unit of weight; exercise – bodily exertion; experience- undergoing something.