Proud Mommy

Hello!  My name is Alberta from Central Florida and I am the proud mother of three little boys (Ephraim-5, Caleb-4, and Jeremiah-6 months).  As a young mom I often find myself struggling to raise and take care of my family.  How in the world do other women raise kids and run a household without going insane. 

Feeling overwhelmed of the thought of homeschooling with three children under the age of 6,  I said to my friend Tisha, “I don’t think I can do it.”  She replied, “Alberta — I know you.  If I can do this, you can.”  Her comment inspired me to start this blog so I can share my journey as a young mom trying to raise my family and hopefully do a decent job at it. 

Maybe you can relate to what I’m going through and become apart of my community.